Fashion/Designer and Director of the BDU Higher Arts Council

Painter. Owner/Curator of “Our Pioneering Women Exhibition”

Private Sisli Theatre Owner

Azerbaijani Literary-Author

YUSAK (HIGH ART INSTITUTE) Establishment Objectives
- To establish a “High Art Institute” and make an effort to make this institution a world-class “Ecole”,
- Under the umbrella of art and culture; to organize cinema, theater, music, opera, ballet, dance, painting, sculpture, European and world folklore, ethnic culture shows and to support research in these fields,
- To ensure that culture and art, as well as contemporary art, are introduced to the world on a global scale,
- The unifying and reconciling power of art helps societies get to know each other. Based on this motto, to bring together Turkish and world-class cultural and artistic production with art lovers,
- To be the closest supporter of Turkish art and artists, to provide funds for the studies to be carried out in line with these purposes,
- To strive for the development of contemporary art,
- To support creativity in culture and art with innovative and contemporary approaches,
- To create policies for the development of contemporary art,
- Organizing conferences, panels, seminars related to art at national and international level,
- To establish a permanent “Art Gallery”,
- Organizing workshops for art lovers and bringing together artists and amateur artists,
- Art education, temporary art programs, academic studies, organizing activities,
- To collaborate and produce joint projects with the world’s art centers,
- To work for the protection and development of art, to develop the concept of “Contemporary Arts Biennial”.