On 23 August 2022, the BDU Diplomats Association visited the Consul General of the TRNC in İstanbul, Mr. Seniha Birand Çinar, at his office. The BDU delegation consisted of President Musa Karademir, Vice Presidents Nalan Özkan and Murat Erkürekçi, Secretary ...

The meeting of the First Decision-Making Bodies of the BDU was held in Istanbul. BDU’s Past, Present and Tomorrow were discussed. The members who attended the meeting agreed to carry BDU into the future by using their personal knowledge, accumulation ...

Our BDU Vice President and Turkey Roma Rights Forum (ROMFO) Vice President for Organization Murat Erkürekçi visited for working affairs to Ankara. During the visit, Erkürekçi also met with MHP General Chairman Devlet Bahçeli and CHP General Chairman Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu ...

Our BDU Vice President and Turkey Roma Rights Forum (ROMFO) Vice President for Organization Murat Erkürekçi was elected as a member of the “Edirne Governorship Executive Committee” formed by the Governor of Edirne. The Executive Committee, chaired by Edirne Governor ...

We are at the commemoration of Elmas Yıldırım and the launch meeting of the book titled “Elmas Yıldırım from a Homeland to a Homeland” at the Turkish Literature Foundation. Azerbaijani Deputy and Chairman of the Cultural Commission of the National ...

The BDU Diplomats’ Union Family attended the invitation held in Istanbul on the occasion of the 48th anniversary of the Cyprus Peace Operation. The cocktail was hosted by the Consul General of the TRNC in Istanbul Seniha Birand Çınar and ...

To date, we have inspired and supported hundreds of our young friends. Come on, let’s shape your future together. The “Youth Club” created within BDU is to support students who are studying, graduating or doing a master’s / doctorate at ...

BDU E-Bulletin Issue 3 (English Version will be published soon) ...

BDU E-Bulletin Issue 2 (English Version will be published soon) ...

BDU E-Bulletin Issue 1 (English Version will be published soon)   ...