BDU: “We Will Always Support the TRNC”

The 50th anniversary of the Cyprus Peace Operation was celebrated separately in the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC) and Istanbul.

As the BDU Diplomats Association, we have always stood by the TRNC. We have endeavoured for the international community to ‘understand’ the just cause of the TRNC. We have made civil diplomatic initiatives at the international level. By bringing foreign investors to the TRNC, we have prepared an investment and cooperation environment. As it was yesterday, we will continue to stand by the TRNC today and tomorrow.

Nearly 1,200 people attended the reception held in Istanbul on 23 July. The President of the TRNC, Cypriot Veterans, the Governor of Istanbul, the Mayor of IBB, military and civil servants, rectors, artists, sportsmen, business people, diplomats, academicians, heads and managers of non-governmental organisations were present at the cocktail reception.

The 50th anniversary of the Cyprus Peace Operation was celebrated in the TRNC / Nicosia on 20 July, hosted by President Ersin Tatar with the participation of the President of the Republic of Turkey Recep Tayyip Erdoğan. On behalf of BDU, Vice President Nalan Ozkan, BDU TRNC Representatives Suleyman Can and Mehmet Ali Catak attended the celebrations in Nicosia.